Good alternatives are just lurking around the corner waiting to be discovered. Open Office is free alternative to the pricey Microsoft Office. There's no difference whatsoever except for some tools and menu placement which is manageable enough and can easily be mastered in the first try. Open office can do things what MS office can. I have been using it for couple of years now and I have not found anything that can make it less worthy. It can open and save MS files and it can also save in its native format.
The three elements of MS Office is present also as it has word processing, spreadsheet and presentation capabilities. Likewise, you can open, edit and save MS Powerpoint and Excel files. And why are you still stuck with what you are using try Open Office now. The same functionality without the bloated price. Open Office is available for Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and Solaris systems.
Direct download for Windows version is here Open Office.
Website link is here; Open Office Web
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